Multiwave mobile lidar and radar complex for atmospheric monitoring, wind forecasting
The complex combines modern measuring devices of X-, Ka- and infrared ranges and is designed for:
- Providing meteorological information (horizontal and vertical wind fields, wind shear, severe weather phenomena) to dispatch and meteorological services of various facilities (airports, nuclear power plants, wind power facilities);
- Collecting data on wind speed and direction at wind power plant sites;
- Research in aeronautics, meteorology and ecology;
- Control of changes in weather conditions at international competitions where weather conditions can affect safety and competition results (biathlon, ski jumping, aviation competitions).

Infrared lidar system
Measurement range of radial speed from 100 to 5,000 m
Measurement range of radial wind speed from ±1 to ±55 m/s
Wavelength 1,560 ± 15 нм
Radial speed measurement error of ±0,25 m/s
X-band radar
Measurement range for detection of severe weather phenomena from 3,000 to 25,000 m
Wind shear detection range from 3,000 to 10,000 m
Directional diagram width 3.25°х 3.25°
Frequency of emitted signals 9,345 ± 30 MHz
Type of antenna device slotted antenna
Ka-band radar
Wind shear detection range from 400 to 10,000 m
Measurement range of radial wind speed ±30 m/s
Measurement error of average radial wind speed no more than 1 m/s
Frequency of emitted signals 34.0 ± 0.3 GHz
The type of antenna device Cassegrain
General characteristics
Azimuth coverage from 0º to 360º
Vertical coverage from 0º to +90º
Weight 3,700 kg
Dimensions 6,200 x 2,700 x 3,000 mm
Operating voltage 220 V ± 10%
Power 2.5 ± 0.2 kW 2.5
Operating conditions from -50 to +50 ºС